Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Watermelon and Wind

Today’s weather calls for wide open windows, causing the breeze to dance through the house. And I keep taking deep breaths in through my nose and smiling.

I stood at the kitchen counter and carefully hacked watermelon into uneven cubes. I have a bad habit of eating half of a fruit while I’m cutting it. But when the cold juicy cubes are sweeter than candy, how can I not devour it?

I don’t really have anything profound or significant to say today, other than that I was so overcome by the beauty of the aforementioned things that I felt compelled to write it down. I could have easily grabbed my journal and taken note, but I wanted to share the beauty with you.

And perhaps this is to say, if we don’t have time to sink a kitchen knife into colorful fruits and vegetables, then what are we doing with our lives?  

How differently our day would look  if we spent three minutes thoughtfully slicing produce, as if we were creating a work of art, or rather, marveling at a work of art. The alternative would be to haphazardly chop produce for a quick dinner and that doesn’t sound relaxing or enjoyable.

God has taken the time to give us beautiful food to eat, fresh from the ground or the tree or the bush. I think we should take time to cut it up and let the flavor overwhelm our tongue, and allow our hearts to be overwhelmed by His goodness. 

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