Tuesday, October 10, 2017


I woke up this morning to frosty grass and meat-freezer air. Each morning the green leaves are less green and more red or yellow or orange. And I am reminded that everything must keep moving forward and changing and unfolding. 

Nothing is intended to stop. But interference is reality. When things stop, they die; they begin to wither. We need movement and progression and change to live, to be nurtured. The unfolding movement allows us to keep unfolding. 
At the beginning of this semester I said yes to the invitation to contribute to the unfolding of creation.

I have thousands upon thousands of words dammed up inside me, making every effort to burst forth, but horribly blocked and unable to contribute. 

The way I express myself has been taken away from me. 

I was about to launch something big, but I have been attacked on every front. Physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually. I have been so run down in every regard and ultimately, prevented from writing. My words are stuck. 
My words are the way in which I worship. My words are my contribution to the Kingdom. Naturally, Satan would want to suppress them.

I have been trying to write for weeks and weeks. I have so much in me that I long to share, to communicate.

So, friends, I am calling on you. I need help. I need prayer.

Pray for protection from the enemy. Pray for health, pray for mental alertness, pray for strength, pray for the ability to write to be restored. These days have not been easy and I fear I have a long road ahead of me. My battle is overwhelming and at times consuming. I know my calling. I know I am supposed to write, and so I must continue to fight. 

Through all this, I have been very aware of God’s sustaining power. I feel Him carrying me through each day and into the next. Most days I am completely unable to do anything; it is only by His grace and care that I am still moving. 
Also, readers, I need help gathering a larger audience. I am launching my new project on October 23rd. Please look for the announcement and make the transition with me! You can help me out by sharing my posts over the next thirteen days (and going forward!) and you can pray for perseverance and pray specifically for the date October 23rd

I am excited to continue to write. To share my stories and inspirations and thoughts with you. I am stepping into something bigger and bending my knee to the Creator, and humbly accepting my role to unfold with creation.